Laravel join overwriting field names

It’s a really common thing to do with databases, join a tables with an other table, but when you have two models that have a field with the same name by default one will overwrite the other!


Tinkering the cPanel Backup System

The backup system in cPanel doesn’t do exactly what we want, it does the job pretty well but you can’t set schedules of who wants daily backups and who wants weekly and still handle all the retentions that some hosts need.


Escaping Heart Email (transferring IMAP servers)

A cPanel to cPanel transfer is so easy, we do it all the time! A couple of details and even the DNS is repointed for you, but when you need to transfer from an IMAP mail host to anywhere life gets a bit more complicated.

We’ve seen people download gigabytes of data to a local machine only to push it back up to the new server over several day, it’s painful!

Enter Imapsync!